The Grind

It’s time to take control of my life. Down with the pre-Christmas flab and fur. Up with a new Me for Spring. My teenage sons James (16) and Will (18), refer to any process requiring effort (perfecting their six packs, revising for G.C.S.Es and A-Levels respectively) The Grind.

I’m on it.

I’m on it.

In my case reinvention requires the following:

The removal of all hair from body.

This I have achieved with the help of Donna Watts at Baytree Beauty, who is a genius when it comes not only to waxing, but pretty much any beauty treatment you can think of top to toe, facials to nails. ✅

Strict adherence to a gym programme

I have the programme, sticking to it’s a challenge though. I naively thought that choosing my own gym schedule with a personal trainer at David Lloyd would make it easier for me to flex working out around work. All it’s actually done, is make me come up with even more excuses as to why I can’t go (coffee, walking the dog, cleaning out the stick insects…) ❌

A diet

“It’s basic, Mum.” Says James. “It’s all about the calorie defecit. As long as you burn more calories than you eat, you’ll lose weight. How much self-discipline do you have? At the end of the day, you have to suck it up. If you feel hungry, drink water.”

Wise words. Easier said than followed. I’m sure dark chocolate isn’t fattening.

Does Old Speckled Hen beer count as a substitute for water?

It’s Day Three. I must have lost at least five pounds by now – I’m starving. 😖


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