Little wins

When times are tough, and recently they have been, it’s the little wins that help me stay positive.

For instance earlier this week I’d struggled to the station at silly o’clock, and my train was cancelled. As I cursed the unfairness of an uncaring universe, I realised that waiting for the next train meant I had time to get a coffee.

Mood considerably improved by caffeine, I put my americano down on the bench beside me as I waited for the next train and wrote a list of the little wins that cheer me up. And one big win.

Little wins
β˜•οΈ Having time for a coffee when my train’s cancelled
πŸ˜„ Laughing with a stranger about the train being cancelled
🀲 Lush lotion on dry hands (I’m a bit addicted to Charity Pot)
🐦 Birdsong
πŸ«– A cup of tea made for me by someone else
🀝 Collaboration
πŸ’¬ Conversation
😴 A lie-in
🎾 Hitting a tennis ball just right
🐾 Not seeing another soul on a dog walk
🍬 When a purple Fruit Pastille is first out of the packet
πŸ’· Finding a fiver in my jeans pocket (timeless joy)

The big win
Psychological safety.

I am extremely lucky to have phenomenal friends and colleagues. You know who you are! Thank you for being amazing and a huge source of comfort and strength to me always. πŸ™

Now…what are the small and big things on your list? πŸ€—

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